Sunday, March 25, 2012

From Dark, Diner Shirley to Sunny, Shasta Daisy!

My daughter insisted that we change Shirley's name to Daisy. It really fits her now that she is sunny and bright. I liked the red but felt it was a bit dark. It seemed more 50' Laverne and Shirley days..(hence the name Shirley)  We had to take most of her down to the studs so why not make her exactly the way I want her!! And for those of you cringing because I painted the beautiful birch....My deepest apologies. Not all the birch needed to be replaced and in order for it to match (new shellac to almost 50 year old shellac) we would have had to replace alllll the birch. That's way to much $$ in labor, so she's painted a beautiful Cottage White by Behr. I love the combo of paint and stained birch.....

Check out her New sunny upholstery by Marco at Expo Interior Upholstery in Kirkland, WA

NOW she's happy and sunny!

New daisy curtains (I made em myself, thankyouverymuch) 

And a new sign for Daisy. Pretty much sums it all up.


  1. Sharon, this is awesome! I love her!!! And you, when will we see each other?

  2. WOW! What a transformation from the day you picked her up. When do we go camping?

  3. I love the yellow and white! It looks so happy!! That daisy pillow is perfect, and the curtains...just love it all.

    1. Thank you Lisa!!! She is super happy. You and The Pearl were certainly a huge inspiration! THANK YOU!!! : )

    2. Hi Lisa! Did you see what happened to my Daisy? :( Such a sad, sad day. I'm happy she is still useable but she was MINT and now...well, she's broken. My trailer guy says it will be $1K in parts plus $3K in labor.... :( Not doing that. Her frame got crunched so lots of work to be done. Some day I will do it....because it makes me sad just looking at her. sigh....
      Hope you are well and out there playing in the woods somewhere!
      Sharon :)

    3. Sharon, so sorry, I'm just reading this now! I can't believe that your Daisy was hit by a tree after all that work!!!! Wouldn't your homeowners insurance cover the repairs? I had a tree branch hit our car once (at a relative's house) and her homeowner's insurance covered it.

      This has been a tough winter with snow, falling trees, power outages. Brrrrr, looking forward to spring. I hope you can fix Daisy and start using her again.

    4. Hey, sorry again, I read your post on the Vintage Shasta Trailer Forum that homeowners would only cover $1500. I can't believe how expensive it will be to fix the damage!

  4. Can you give more info about replacing the icebox with the dorm fridge? Did you worry about insulation / spacing aroudn the fridge for air circulation / venting / plugging it in? i want to replace my icebox in my pop up and would LOVE more details / pictures about it! !

    1. Oh my gosh...I am so sorry Jen!!! I am new to blogging and thought I would receive a notice that I have a post but I didn't! I'll figure that out.

      ANYway, a late response to you..... The person that replaced my ice box had to cut a larger 'hole' to make room for the dorm fridge. No other insulation. I will get out there this afternoon and take some photos for you. The venting really comes out the top, into the shelving. But, that's better described with a photo.

      Did you replace your ice box yet?
