Friday, April 15, 2022

It's been a minute since my last post! Much glamping and trailer rallying has occurred..and then, of course, Covid. 

Last time I camped in Daisy I realized she didn't smell so mildew. There was an obvious leak behind the magazine rack. Also, the table broke and could not be used as a bed.  So, back to the shop she went. Only this time I took her to Down River Vintage Trailer here in Washington State. 

Down River Vintage Trailer

Bad (and honestly quite shocking 🤑🤑🤑) news...Once Jeremy peeled back her clothes aluminum, it was clear Daisy had leaks. Again. And broken bones. Again. 

Merda! Non bello!

Very broken...with rot and scary wiring

Call me crazy....but that is NOT birch. 

More rot...😭😭😭 

And more...She was literally falling apart

Lesson learned.... 

Now onto the shiny, clean, NON-rotting, unbroken Daisy!


Jeremy and Rene are simply amazing.

Daisy all healed and ready for the open road

She's varnished! Just like the original. No more white paint.  
New faucet, more lights, a fan, so many new toys!

Happy mamma!

Jeremy of Down River Vintage Trailer